Sunday, July 1, 2012

She supports the Obamacare monstrosity

Trump: Let me get this straight . . .
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a... President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!
What the hell could possibly go wrong?'

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky disgraces U.S. flag in gay pride parade

Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky disgraces U.S. flag in gay pride parade

Joe Newby
Spokane Conservative Examiner
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Does Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) respect the U.S. flag?

On Sunday, Schakowsky participated in Chicago's annual gay pride parade using a van with an American flag. Her display of the flag, however, violated several provisions of the U.S. flag code, reported Tuesday.

Poster Rebel Pundit wrote that Schakowsky's float displayed the U.S. flag "draped over the hood of the vehicle (not flying from a staff), underneath the rainbow flag (the gay flag or now often recognized as the LGBT flag)."

According to U.S. Code Title 36 Chapter 10 §175, the flag "should not be displayed on a float in a parade except from a staff," should "not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle or of a railroad train or a boat" and "[n]o other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America," except for certain church services.

The code also says:

The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.

"No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the United States flag's right," the code adds.

Schakowsky, who once called the GOP "Pledge to America" a revolutionary plan by extreme Republicans who support the Tenth Amendment, is no stranger to controversy regarding the flag, added.

According to Breitbart, she took part in a march last fall that "fed into four other large feeder marches in an effort coordinated by Occupy Chicago and several labor unions."

There were no U.S. flags in the march, and when questioned, Schakowsky claimed ignorance, but said she was "wearing red, white and blue.”

Later, she "made a point to take a photo with one of her fellow travelers carrying a large U.S. flag and posted it to her Facebook page in a quick attempt to minimize any scrutiny that would arise from her participation in a protest march void of any U.S. flags," the post said.

The article concludes by saying "this U.S. congresswoman as well as her staff sadly have no basic respect for Old Glory."

Jan Schakowsky (D, IL): SEALs are criminals!

Jan Schakowsky (D, IL): SEALs are criminals!

Posted by Moe Lane (Diary)

Monday, May 16th at 1:00PM EDT

Rep. Schakowsky, attempting to explain why photos of the military operation that killed Osama bin Laden would not be released, had this to say:

“These are pictures of a violent crime scene. This is a dead person. A dead Osama bin Laden,” she said.

Now, I will readily grant that normally a statement like this should be subject to Occam’s Razor. The simplest way to explain the problems with the first sentence* would be to simply postulate that the person who uttered it is a semi-literate buffoon who is so unthinkingly programmed to parrot outworn and exploded progressive agitprop that she is truly unaware that even suggesting that Navy SEALs are criminals for killing Osama bin Laden is offensive. Or that she has not contemplated that her aforementioned parroting handily confirms every not-nice said about the average progressive antiwar politician’s judgement, character, and native mother-wit. Or that (by extension) Schakowsky is accusing fellow-Democrat President Barack Obama of war crimes, given that he gave the order. Yes, really, if this had just been uttered by some nobody then you could simply chalk the comment up to pig-ignorance, coupled with thee utterer being a natural-born d*mned fool.

However… Jan Schakowsky is a powerful Democrat:

Schakowsky serves in the House Democratic Leadership as Chief Deputy Whip and is a member of the Steering and Policy Committee. She is a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, where she serves on the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade, the Subcommittee on Health and the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Democratic Leader Pelosi appointed her to serve on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where she is ranking Democrat on the Oversight Subcommittee.

Which means that, if she’s an idiot, she’s not the only one; the bigger ones are the Democrats who let her onto all those committees where everybody else uses all those big words all the time. And so, if she’s not an idiot… well, when are you going to introduce articles of impeachment against President Obama, Representative Schakowsky? I’m sure that we’re all agog to hear that particular bit of news.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*To put it very simply and brutally – as Jim Geraghty did: “A crime scene? What crime would that be, and whom should be charged?”
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Why Doesn't Everyone Know Jan Schakowsky's Husband Wrote ObamaCare in Jail?

October 31, 2010
Why Doesn't Everyone Know Jan Schakowsky's Husband Wrote ObamaCare in Jail?
By Stella Paul
I know who's got my vote for the cutest couple since Bonnie and Clyde. It's the larcenous lovebirds from Chicago: Jan Schakowsky, the most far-left member of Congress, and her bank robber husband, Robert Creamer, who wrote Obamacare in jail.

What a romance! She waited as he served time for sixteen counts of bank fraud, selflessly devoting herself to trying to impeach Dick Cheney and to showering federal funds on her biggest, most ethically challenged contributors.

And he persevered inside the graybar hotel, aflame with the inspiration that became Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win, a 628-page manual for how "to reshape the structure of one-sixth of the American economy" -- namely, health care.

Endorsed by David Axelrod and SEIU honcho Andrew Stern, Stand Up Straight! gave Democrats the perfect voodoo recipe of lies, lies, and boiled frog's eyes they used to cook up ObamaCare.

Here's how David Horowitz's Discover The Network describes it:

Creamer's book advocated a "public plan" that would guarantee every U.S. resident's "right" to health care; this plan eventually would serve as a model for the "public option" in subsequent legislative proposals by Congressional Democrats.

In addition, Creamer laid out a "Progressive Agenda for Structural Change," which included a ten-point plan to set the stage for implementing universal health care:

"We must create a national consensus that health care is a right, not a commodity; and that government must guarantee that right."
"We must create a national consensus that the health care system is in crisis."
"Our messaging program over the next two years should focus heavily on reducing the credibility of the health insurance industry and focusing on the failure of private health insurance."
"We need to systematically forge relationships with large sectors of the business/employer community."
"We need to convince political leaders that they owe their elections, at least in part, to the groundswell of support of [sic] universal health care, and that they face political peril if they fail to deliver on universal health care in 2009."
"We need not agree in advance on the components of a plan, but we must foster a process that can ultimately yield consensus."
"Over the next two years, we must design and organize a massive national field program."
"We must focus especially on the mobilization of the labor movement and the faith community."
"We must systematically leverage the connections and resources of a massive array of institutions and organizations of all types."
"To be successful, we must put in place commitments for hundreds of millions of dollars to be used to finance paid communications and mobilization once the battle is joined."

"To win," added Creamer, "we must not just generate understanding, but emotion-fear, revulsion, anger, disgust."

Now don't you find this tale of the Obamacare-writing bank robber and his congresswoman moll pretty darn interesting? Even, shall we say, newsworthy?

After all, nothing more intimately affects our lives than the Obamination currently shutting down Catholic hospitals, sending premiums skyrocketing, and limiting patients' access and options.

And if you really want nightmares, check out Congressman Kevin Brady's organization chart that displays ObamaCare's new government agencies, regulations, and mandates.

In addition to showing the massive expansion of government and the overwhelming complexity of new regulations and taxes, the chart portrays:

$569 billion in higher taxes;
$529 billion in cuts to Medicare;
Swelling of the ranks of Medicaid by 16 million;
Seventeen major insurance mandates; and
The creation of two new bureaucracies with powers to impose future rationing: the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and the Independent Payments Advisory Board.

Hey, thanks for nothing, Robert and Jan!

Yet somehow the great media machine has not seen fit to tell voters about the rancid Romeo and Juliet who gave us this unholy mess.

Instead, they've inundated us with:

- Christine O'Donnell dabbling with witchcraft in high school

- Meg Whitman's housekeeper's immigration status

- Linda McMahon's World Wrestling Entertainment treatment of women

Somehow, I don't think when a family member's life hangs in the balance, my first thought will be with female wrestlers.

Well, even if the media did miraculously decide to ask Schakowsky some hard questions, she'd be tough to find. She's awfully busy, calling Tea Partiers "despicable," storming into polling places to illegally electioneer, and sending out her dearest friend to scream at Andrew Breitbart that he's gay.

Fortunately, Chicago voters in the 9th district have an outstanding candidate to vote for in Joel Pollak, magna cum laude Harvard graduate, who published two acclaimed books while attending Harvard Law School. Pollak has been endorsed by Alan Dershowitz, his former professor and a lifelong Democrat.

You can contribute to Joel Pollak here.

Wouldn't it be a thrill to annoy the Silent Media and retire the Bonnie and Clyde who held up the nation?

Stella Paul can be reached at
on "Why Doesn't Everyone Know Jan Schakowsky's Husband Wrote ObamaCare in Jail?"

Schakowsky Hypocrite on women's honor

Exposing Left-Wing Hypocrisy: Sheila Jackson Lee and Jan Schakowsky Refuse to Condemn Bill Maher’s Comments About Palin (Video)

Kudos to for exposing the breathtaking hypocrisy of these left-wing women in Congress. Neither Congresswoman was willing to condemn Bill Maher for his offensive treatment of conservative women.
Democratic Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Jan Schakowsky repeatedly refuse to condemn Bill Maher’s crude comments that former Gov. Sarah Palin is a “c*nt” and a “dumb twat.” They also refuse to call for President Obama’s SuperPAC to return Maher’s $1 million contribution to the President’s re-election effort.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tim Wolfe must defeat Jan Schakoskwy before she and Obama destroy the country

Here Tim is at Chicago Jewish festival

Schakowsky is dangerous and must be defeated

Obama laughing with dictator Chavez and Schakowsky embracing Honduran strongman Zelaya, both anti-Semites. Zelaya incited a wave of anti-Jewish violence in Honduras by claiming that “Israeli mercenaries” had been trying to poison him. Schakowsky visited and embraced Zelaya as he hid in the Brazilian embassy.”
<1. record deficits-Triple Bush’s rate. No Obama plan at all to save entitlements. Adds
to them with unpopular Obamacare. Record Housing bust grows worse.
<2. Record unemployment. White House refuses to enact House proposals.
<3.Record gas prices and puts roadblocks on public land drilling.
<4.Highest corporate tax rates in world now. They want to increase taxes and punish success. “Class warfare.”
<5.Record number of czars appointed, bypassing Congressional review.
<6.Muslim Bortherhood terrorists appointed to government.
<7. Obama divides America and promotes hate: gays, women, blacks, elderly, poor.
<8.43 Catholic organizations have had to file lawsuits against Obama for violating free exercise of religion. This is the first time in American history.
<9.Obama and Schakowsky’s anti-Israel Views /Obama Blames and endangers Israel, with weakness/support for Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt. Schakowsky is biggest congressional backer of dangerous J Street.
<10.Obama proposes cuts to eviscerate and deeply weaken military and promised
Russian President Medvedev deeper cuts next term.
<11.Obama takes credit for killing Bin Laden even though the only way Bin laden was captured was through George Bush policies that Obama campaigned against.
<12.Obama ad calls Romney’s Bain Capital vampire and job destroyer(Bill Clinton calls Romney record “sterling.”) The year Romney left Gov., (2007), the trend in Massachusetts' unemployment rate was 12th in the nation, from 50th. He balanced the budget after huge deficits.
<13.Schakowsky’s economic plan massively increases taxes and cuts military spending that weaken us.
<14.Culture of corruption and crony capitalism a. Solyndra, b. Fast and Furious-scandal at the Dept. of Justice involving ATF giving guns to Mexican Drug cartel to create anti 2ndamendment sentiment, US agent dies. C. Record lobbyists White House visit, despite promises.
<15. Record number on food stamps. Poor hurt by Obama/Schakowsky polices.

And Schakowsky is a campaign co-chair of the Obama re-election campaign and supports almost everything Obama does. Do you want another 4 years of this nightmare?